
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A "Good" Writer

"Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work." - Stephen King

I'm a writer, but what does being a writer mean?

  1. Does it mean being grammatically correct at all times?
  2. Does it mean being an awesome speller?
  3. Does it mean being able to expertly edit your own stuff?
  4. Does it mean that you can simply convey meaning through the written word?
  5. Does it mean being published?
  6. More specifically, does it mean being published in print and not just online?

I have been told that I am a good writer. I know that I enjoy writing and that it has always been a hobby and passion. I enjoy creative writing. I enjoy being informative. I'm a storyteller. I'm a communicator.

Although I am an avid reader, I know that my grammar isn't perfect and that I struggle with spelling (spellcheck is a blessing and a curse). I also know that the more I write, the better I become. I have fallen out of touch with serious writing for years, but I'm writing more these days and honing my skills. I know I can get better.

If you are unable to communicate using the written word, then you may not be a good writer. If you have nothing to say, then you're not a good writer.

Editing can make good content into great content, but editing cannot make bad content into great content. Sometimes, though, editing can make great content into not-so great content.

Here are my very humble answers to the above questions:

  1. No.
  2. No.
  3. No.
  4. Yes and no.
  5. Yes and no. 
  6. No. (Wishful thinking?)

Steve Martin explains it best with the following quote:

"The conscious mind is the editor, and the subconscious mind is the writer. And the joy of writing, when you're writing from your subconscious, is beautiful – it's thrilling. When you're editing, which is your conscious mind, it's like torture."

I don't think editing my own work is complete torture, but I dislike it. I am never completely finished editing. I'm impatient and far from a perfectionist which I think helps me a lot. As a productive and successful writer, I don't think that you can be a perfectionist or else you'd go mad. You'd never finish anything.

That being said, I'm publishing this at 5:47am after being up for several hours. I will read this once more before clicking "publish." I may read this again. It all depends on how I feel. 

Man, I need an editor.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hope on a Sunday Evening

Sometimes I am filled with doubt.

I realize that it is not my job to worry about if I'm doing the right thing or if I'm a "good" writer - my job is to just write. I need to be prolific and I need not be ashamed. I have to market myself, network and WRITE.

I'm refining and refreshing my writing and editing skills. Editing is super important and forces me to work on patience. That means I take the time to print out articles and edit them on paper rather than just on my computer screen. (I have to admit, there is still nothing like print when it comes to catching mistakes and refining the flow of a piece.) That also means waiting a few days between "finishing" a piece and publishing it. Things definitely look different, for better or worse, after 72 hours.  I know that quality content is important. If my name is attached to ANYTHING, it has to be something I am proud of and feel good about.

Right now I am planning my strategy for the upcoming week. I have to query, post more articles and market my writing. The goals remain pretty much the same each week.

It's so tempting to zone out and watch TV or log on to Facebook when I'm supposed to be working. It's also easy to catch up with friends and family when I should be writing or looking for gigs. I am still trying to find balance and discipline in terms of my work schedule. Self-employment is super challenging, but rewarding. Not exactly rewarding in the monetary sense, as of yet, but I'll save that for another day.

So when doubt starts to creep in, I focus on improvement and I visualize success.  I grab the doubt with my hands and mold it into something that looks a lot like hope.

I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. I certainly did and am totally feeling the Christmas spirit! Love to all!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Social Media and Grief

Here is my latest article on Social Media and Grief.

I mostly believe that social media serves as a positive force in the grieving process. For those who have grieved and used social media, why did you use it and do you believe it helped?

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your holiday and be safe!

Monday, November 21, 2011

An Introduction

How rude of me! I didn't even introduce myself!

Hi, I'm Adrienne.

This is the story of a girl who tried everything she could do to NOT follow her dreams of becoming a writer. That is, everything except, in some way, always knowing that there was nothing else she really wanted to do . . . or was particularly passionate about.

This is the story of a girl who used to read until her eyes hurt; who, as a little girl, would wake up at 6am on a Saturday to write, publish and distribute a neighborhood newsletter; and who wrote and directed her first play at the age of 10 and had it performed in front of her entire elementary school.

This is the story of a girl who took one measly (but very memorable) creative writing class in college and wrote a novel by the time she was 20. However, she threw away the manuscript at some point and lost it forever.

No one knows why she did these things and there is probably more to the story, but it doesn't really matter any longer.

Because now this girl is a woman and she realizes that all we have is right now. Yesterday is in the past and tomorrow is not promised.

Thank you kindly for your time and patience with me.

Guide to Chemically Straightening Black Hair

Check out my latest article: Guide to Chemically Straightening Black Hair